Create with Film  

Film ideas to get you started 

"We are in the midst of history in the making! We are in a moment in time, that is unprecedented. No one has ever experienced such a crisis on a global scale with so many consequences in all areas of our lives. We are living history! This is a unique opportunity. Let’s be the historians of our families, our schools, our region, our countries, our world! Let’s be the historians of how teaching and learning is evolving. We (all of us!) can document, organize, connect, archive, and make our collective experiences available and shareable" Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

A lot of the provocations below come from Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano's blog post We are in the Midst of Making History

Look for things to document. Look for learning

Capture your own primary sources of history

Reflect on your day, experiences, learning, news, changes, etc.

Share your learning, experiences, reflections of this moment in history

How will you make your documentation (if in analog form) shareable?

What platform will lend itself best to share your documentation?

What hashtags are best to use on different platforms to connect to and share with a specific audience?

How will you share with family, friends, and people you have not met in person?

Amplify beyond your own walls